Liber Liberi
vel Lapidis Lazuli
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Chapter VII
- 1.
- By the burning of the incense was the Word revealed, and by the distant drug.
- 2.
- O meal and honey and oil! O beautiful flag of the moon, that she hangs out in the center of bliss!
- 3.
- These loosen the swathings of the corpse; these unbind the feet of Osiris, so that the flaming God may rage through the firmament with his fantastic spear.
- 4.
- But of pure black marble is the sorry statue, and the changeless pain of the eyes is bitter to the blind.
- 5.
- We understand the rapture of that shaken marble, torn by the throes of the crowned child, the golden rod of the golden God.
- 6.
- We know why all is hidden in the stone, within the coffin, within the mighty sepulchre, and we too answer Olalam! Imal! Tutzlu! as it is written in the ancient book.
- 7.
- Three words of that book are as life to a new fon; no god has read the whole.
- 8.
- But thou and I, O God, have written it page by page.
- 9.
- Ours is the elevenfold reading of the Elevenfold word.
- 10.
- These seven letters together make seven diverse words; each word is divine, and seven sentences are hidden therein.
- 11.
- Thou art the Word, O my darling, my lord, my master!
- 12.
- O come to me, mix the fire and the water, all shall disolve.
- 13.
- I await Thee in sleeping, in waking. I invoke Thee no more; for Thou art in me, O Thou who hast made me a beautiful instrument tuned to Thy rapture.
- 14.
- Yet art Thou ever apart, even as I.
- 15.
- I remember a certain holy day in the dusk of the year, in the dusk of the Equinox of Osiris, when first I beheld Thee visibly; when first the dreadful issue was fought out; when the Ibis-headed One charmed away the strife.
- 16.
- I remember Thy first kiss, even as a maiden should. Nor in the dark byways was there another: Thy kisses abide.
- 17.
- There is none other beside Thee in the whole Universe of Love.
- 18.
- My God, I love Thee, O Thou goat with gilded horns!
- 19.
- Thou beautiful bull of Apis! Thou beautiful serpent of Apep! Thou beautiful child of the Pregnant Goddess!
- 20.
- Thou hast stirred in Thy sleep, O ancient sorrow of years! Thou hast raised Thine head to strike, and all is dissolved into the Abyss of Glory.
- 21.
- An end to the letters of the words! An end to the sevenfold speech.
- 22.
- Resolve me the wonder of it all into the figure of a gaunt swift camel, striding over the sand.
- 23.
- Lonely is he, and abominable; yet hath he gained the crown.
- 24.
- Oh rejoice! rejoice!
- 25.
- My God! Oh my God! I am but a speck in the star-dust of ages; I am the Master of the Secret of Things.
- 26.
- I am the Revealer and the Preparer. Mine is the Sword -- and the Mitre and the Winged Wand!
- 27.
- I am the Initiator and the Destroyer. Mine is the Globe -- and the Bennu Bird and the Lotus of Isis my daughter!
- 28.
- I am the One beyond these all; and I bear the symbols of the mighty darkness.
- 29.
- There shall be a sigil as of a vast black brooding ocean of death and the central blaze of darkness, radiating its night upon all.
- 30.
- It shall swallow up that lesser darkness.
- 31.
- But in that profound who shall answer: What is?
- 32.
- Not I.
- 33.
- Not Thou, Oh God!
- 34.
- Come, let us no more reason together; let us enjoy! Let us be ourselves, silent, unique, apart.
- 35.
- O lonely woods of the world! In what recesses will ye hide our love?
- 36.
- The forest of the spears of the Most High is called Night, and Hades, and the Day of Wrath; but I am His captain, and I bear His cup.
- 37.
- Fear me not with my spearmen! They shall slay the demons with their petty prongs. Ye shall be free.
- 38.
- Ah, slaves! ye will not -- ye know not how to will.
- 39.
- Yet the music of my spears shall be a song of freedom.
- 40.
- A great bird shall sweep from the Abyss of Joy, and bear ye away to be my cup-bearers.
- 41.
- Come, O my God, in one last rapture let us attain to the Union with the Many!
- 42.
- In the silence of Things, in the Night of Forces, beyond the accursed domain of the Three, let us enjoy our love!
- 43.
- My darling! My darling! away, away beyond the Assembly and the Law and the Enlightenment unto an Anarchy of Solitude and Darkness!
- 44.
- For even thus must we veil the brilliance of our Self.
- 45.
- My darling! My darling!
- 46.
- O my God, but the love in Me bursts over the bonds of Space and Time; my love is spilt among them that love not love.
- 47.
- My wine is poured out for them that never tasted wine.
- 48.
- The fumes thereof shall intoxicate them and the vigour of my love shall breed mighty children from their maidens.
- 49.
- Yea! without draught, without embrace: and the Voice answered Yea! these things shall be.
- 50.
- Then I sought a Word for Myself; nay, for myself.
- 51.
- And the Word came: O Thou! it is well. Heed naught! I love Thee! I love Thee!
- 52.
- Therefore had I faith unto the end of all; yea, unto the end of all.
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