Tech Books Available (Nov 2024)

Tech Books Available (Nov 2024)

I have the following books on computer hardware and software available for sale or trade. At this time, any reasonable offer is likely to be accepted. I’m just trying to get these books into the hands of people who want them rather than in the recycling bin. I can meet to hand-deliver the books anywhere around the Nakano/Shinjuku/Shibuya area or I can ship them at the buyer’s expense.

If anyone is interested in occult books, especially Aleister Crowley, there is another list at:

O’Reilly Books

Title Author ISBN
XSLT Cookbook Sal Mangano 0-596-00372-2
Version Control with Subversion Ben Collins-Sussman, Brian W. Fitzpatrick, C. Michael Pilato 0-596-00448-6
Learning Perl/Tk Nancy Walsh 1-56592-314-6
Apache The Definitive Guide Ben Laurie & Peter Laurie 0-596-00203-3
Postfix The Definitive Guide Kyle D. Dent 0-596-00212-2
Perl & XML Eric T. Ray & Jason McIntosh 0-596-00205-X
XSL-FO Dave Pawson 0-596-00355-2
Learning Python Mark Lutz & David Ascher 0-596-00281-5
SQL Cookbook Anthony Molinaro 978-0-596-00976-2
SQL Hacks Andrew Cumming & Gordon Russell 0-596-52799-3
Mind Hacks Tom Stafford & Matt Webb 0-596-00779-5
SVG Essentials J. David Eisenberg 0-596-00223-8
Refactoring SQL Applications Sephanie Faroult 978-0-596-51497-6
Beautiful Architecture Diomidis Spinellis & George Gousios 978-0-596-51798-4
Using Samba Robert Echstein, David Collier-Brown, Peter Kelly 1-56592-449-5
XML Publishing with AxKit Kip Hampton 0-596-00216-5
Managing Security with Snort and IDS Tools Kerry Cox & Christopher Gerg 0-596-00661-6
Linux Security Cookbook Daniel J. Barrett, Richard E. Silverman, Robert G. Byrnes 0-596-00391-9
Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials Allison Randal, Dan Sugalski, Leopold Totsch 0-596-00737-X
Linux Server Hacks Rob Flickenger 0-596-00461-3
VoIP Hacks Ted Wallingford 0-596-10133-3
Java Cookbook Ian F. Darwin 0-596-00170-3

General Computing Books

Title Author ISBN
Introduction to Data Structures with Applications (hardback) Jean-Paul Trembley & Paul G. Sorensen 0-07-065157-4
Java, How to Program (4th ed) Deitel & Dietel 0-13-034151-7
The Java Native Interface Sheng Liang 0-201-32577-2
Graphic Java, Mastering the JFC David M. Geary 0-13-079667-0
Calendrical Calculations (3rd ed) Nanchum Dershowitz, Edward M. Reingold 978-0-521-70238-6
Design Patterns in Ruby (hardback) Russ Olsen 0-321-49045-2
The Annotated C++ Reference Manual (hardback) Margaret A. Ellis, Bjarne Stroustrup 0-201-51459-1
Algorithms in C (hardback) Robert Sedgewick 0-201-51425-7
The Pragmatic Programmer Andrew Hunt, David Thomas 0-201-61622-X
Manage Your Project Portfolio Johana Rothman 978-1-93435-629-6
Linux Quick Fix Notebook Peter Harrison 0-13-186150-6
Firewalls and Internet Security William R. Cheswick, Steven M. Bellovin 0-201-63357-4
Linux Network Servers 24/7 Craig Hunt 0-7821-2506-9
Advanced Linux Networking Robert W. Smith 0-201-77423-2
Unix Programmers Reference John J. Valley 0-88022-536-X
Test-Driven JavaScript Development Christian Johansen 0-321-68391-9
C++ Inside and Out Bruce Eckel 0-07-881809-5
Classic Data Structures in Java Timothy Budd 0-201-71271-7
Linux Toys, Christopher Negus Chuck Wolber 0-7645-2508-5
Ship It! Jared Richardson, William Gwaltney Jr 0-9745140-4-7
Foundations of Ajax Ryan Aselson, Nathaniel T. Schutta 1-59059-582-3
Computer Networks and Internets (3rd ed, with CD-ROM) Douglas E. Comer 0-13-093581-6
C++ Common Knowledge Stephen C. Dewhurst 0-321-32192-8
Effective XML Eliotte Rusty Harold 0-321-15040-6
Design Patterns Explained, Alan Shalloway, James R. Trott 0-321-24714-0  
The CERT C Secure Coding Standard Robert C. Seacord 0-321-56321-2
Effective C++ Scott Meyers 0-201-56364-9
GUI Bloopers 2.0 Jeff Johnson 987-0-12-370643-0
Visualize This Nathan Yau 978-0-470-94488-2
Building a Wordpress Blog People Want to Read Scott McNulty 0-321-59193-3
Pragmatic Thinking & Learning Andy Hunt 1-934356-05-0

TCL/Tk Books

Title Author ISBN
Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk (4th Ed) Brent Welsh & Ken Jones 0-13-038560-3
Tcl and the Tk Toolkit (2nd Ed) John K. Ousterhout & Ken Jones 0-321-33633-X
Incr Tcl/Tk from the Ground Up Chad Smith 0-07-212106-8
Tcl/Tk A Developers Guide (2nd Ed, with CD-ROM), Clif Flynt 1-55860-802-8  

Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Books, Japanese

Title Author ISBN
Verification Methodology Manual for System Verilog Janick Bergeron, 4-7898-3615-0
System Verilog Ben Cohen, 4-621-07612-4
System Verilog for Design Stuart Sutherland, 4-621-07515-2

Latest Posts

Effortless Magick

It’s funny how, every once in a while, if you listen to the subtle messages unfolding around you on a constant basis, you pick up on a pattern of small bits of information that seem to build into something substantial. That happened to me recently on the general topic of effortlessness. Like many would-be adepts, I have a number of daily practices that I fit into various parts of the day. Sometimes they pay off with feelings of increased awareness or energy but, if I were being totally honest, most of the time they feel like drudge-work… a part of the day that occurs more out of habit than anything else… with the basic idea being one of consistency rather than joy.

Out with the Old...

I was listening to the latest Sam Harris podcast today and ran across an interesting take on something that should be familiar to most Western Ceremonial Magicians. Eric Weinstein was talking about finding meaning in license plate numbers as he drives around (don’t we all do that when we first start on the Path?) and the way he explained it was:

"'s important to notice what it feels like to discern meaning where there is no meaning... it's important to get in touch with the "as if madness" experience in order to guard against madness; so I'm hoping to suspend my insistence on Truth for periods of time..."

I’m not sure about the connection with madness, per-se… and I’m wondering if that wasn’t just a ploy designed to wrap up the thought before getting interrupted. I realized when he said that that another good reason for discerning meaning where there is none is to prevent intellectual ossification (my term… it didn’t appear in the podcast, as far as I know). The belief that one particular way of looking at things must serve as the filter through which we see everything else from that point forward seems to be common in most philosophies and pretty much all religions. Adherence to a strict theology makes us less able to evaluate contrary ideas on their own merit. On the other hand, by constantly playing fast and loose with one’s synaptic network, so to speak, one might stand a chance of maintaining enough mental flexibility to recognize a true Epiphany when it finally does come.

It’s ironic that avoiding intellectual ossification was one of the main points that Sam was trying to convey just moments earlier… that there’s no logical reason to use one or more points-of-view which happen to have been elaborated thousands of years ago over new points-of-view developed by one’s own reason in the present time. Of course, that’s easier said than done and when most people start on any sort of Philosophical or Spiritual Path, they’re usually not capable of the kind of deep reasoning that would discern the “true meaning” of the Universe at first glance… so we may need to use ancient philosophy and religion as a crutch for a while… in order to bootstrap our thinking to the point where we can reason with some depth on the Universe and our purpose within it. But I expect that we all have to eventually drop the rhetoric and design our own systems based on First Principles.

Misunderstanding Multitasking

I was listening to an interview with the authors of the new book The Distracted Mind on NPR this morning and they touched on a favorite pet peeve of mine that centers on a basic misunderstanding of the term multitasking. According to Wikipedia, the first published use of the term “multitask” appeared in an IBM paper describing the capabilities of the IBM System/360 in 1965. Is is only recently that the term has been used in the common vernacular to refer to the apparent ability of humans to “concentrate” on more than one task at a time.