Liber Call Me Al
vel, vel, now.
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"The Book of the In-Laws"
[Random draw]
Chapter III
- 11.
- Save this portion for your records! I forbid argument. I forbid questions. Hell, I forbid going to the bathroom! I will make it easy for you to mess up your house and to destroy your home town. Thou shalt have danger and trouble; thy weight is 195 pounds. Bar-B-Que is with thee. Worship me with gin and tonic; worship me with scotch & with water! Let women threaten me with sharp objects; thou knowest I love it. Let beer flow to my glass. Step on anyone who gets in the way; mine is a modest proposal!
[Ed. Note: The manuscript to the Book of the Inlaws was discovered in
a sealed closet in Claremont in 1954 and is estimated to have originated
circa 1900. The three chapters are said to have been dictated to the
Master 999 over three consecutive years, on April 1st of each year. The
original manuscript is written in pig-latin. It is believed that this
book is the source of over 93% of all modern cliches. This additional
information was scheduled to appear as an introduction to our publication
of the first chapter, last Spring, but the curse of the "Editor's memory
lapse" prevented the appearance of same.]
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