Liber Ararita

sub Figura DLXX

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Chapter V

In the place of the cross the indivisible point which hath no points nor parts nor magnitude. Nor indeed hath it position, being beyond space. Nor hath it existence in time, for it is beyond Time. Nor hath it cause or effect, seeing that its Universe is infinite every way, and partaketh not of these our conceptions.
So wrote ou-mh the Exempt Adept, and the laughter of the Masters of the Temple abashed him not.
Nor was he ashamed, hearing the laughter of the little dogs of hell.
For he abode in his place, and his falsehood was truth in his place.
The little dogs cannot correct him, for they can do naught but bark.
The masters cannot correct him, for they say: Come and see.
And I came and saw, even I, Perdurabo, the Philosophus of the Outer College.
Yea, even I the man behold this wonder.
And I could not deliver it unto myself.
That which established me is invisible and unknowable in its essence.
Only they who know IT may be known.
For they have the genius of the mighty sword 418.
And they are not deceived by any of these things; for by their subtlety do they expand them all into the Twelve Rays of the Crown.
And these twelve rays are one.

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