Occult Books For Sale (Dec 2024)

Occult Books For Sale (Dec 2024)

I have the following books on Magick, the Occult, and Western mystical traditions available for sale. At this time, any reasonable offer is likely to be accepted. I can meet to hand-deliver the books anywhere around the Nakano/Shinjuku/Shibuya area or I can ship them at the buyer’s expense.

If anyone is interested in computer books, there is another list at: https://larabell.org/techbooks-2024/

Crowley Books

Title Author ISBN
Gems from the Equinox (hardback) Aleister Crowley 0-941404-10-2
Magick on Theory and Practice Aleister Crowley 0-486-23295-6
Illustrated Goetia Aleister Crowley 1-56184-048-3
777 (hardback) Aleister Crowley 0-87728-222-6
The Confessions of Aleister Crowley Aleister Crowley 0-14-019189-5
The Law is for All Aleister Crowley 1-56184-090-4
The Equinox III:10 Aleister Crowley 0-913576-33-6
Liber Aleph Aleister Crowley N/A
AHA Aleister Crowley 0-941404-29-3
Eight Lectures on Yoga Aleister Crowley N/A
The Book of Lies Aleister Crowley 0-87728-516-0
Gilled de Rais Aleister Crowley N/A
Tarot Divination Aleister Crowley 0-87728-347-8
Liber Agape, De Arte Magica Aleister Crowley N/A
A Handbook of Geomancy Aleister Crowley 1-55818-157-1
The Revival of Magick Aleister Crowley 1-56184-133-1
The Equinox of the Gods Aleister Crowley 1-56184-028-9
Magick Without Tears Aleister Crowley 0-941404-17-X
Little Essays Toward Truth Aleister Crowley 1-56184-000-9
Crowley on Christ Aleister Crowley N/A
Source Book 93 Aleister Crowley and Frater 137 N/A
Portable Darkness (hardback) Aleister Crowley 0-517-57128-5
Illustrated 777 Revised (Japanese, hardback) Aleister Crowley 4-336-03096-0
Thelema (spelled in Greek on the cover, COT Velobound edition) Aleister Crowley N/A

Golden Dawn, BOTA, Regardie, Zalewski, Wang, et.al.

Title Author ISBN
The Complete Golden Dawn Cipher Manuscript Unknown 1-55818-330-2
Kabbalah of the Golden Dawn Pat Zalewski 0-87542-873-8
The Inner Rituals of the Golden Dawn Patrick J. Zalewski 0-941404-65-X
Z-5 Secret Teachings of the Golden Dawn Pat Zalewski 0-87542-897-5
The Secrets of a Golden Dawn Temple Chic & Tabatha Cicero 0-87542-150-4
The Eqiuinox & Solstice Ceremonies of the Golden Dawn Pat & Chris Zalewski 0-87542-899-1
The Secret Temple Robert Wang 0-87728-490-3
The Golden Dawn Companion R.A.Gilbert 0-85030-436-9
The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order Paul Foster Case 0-87728-709-0
A Practical Guide to Geomantic Divination Israel Regardie 0-87728-170-X
Magical States of Consciousness Denning & Phillips 0-87542-194-6
The Mystical Qabalah Dion Fortune 0-87728-596-9
The Kybalion Three Initiates N/A
The Goetia Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers 0-87728-847-X
The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary Karl Von Eckartshausen 1-56459-126-3
Accidental Christ (Velobound review edition) Lon Milo DuQuette N/A


Title Author ISBN
The Complete Enochian Dictionary (hardback) Donald C. Laycock 0-905919-01-7
The Enochian Evocation of John Dee (hardback) Geoffrey James (editor/translator) 0-935214-06-2

A.’.A.’. Curriculum Books

Title Author ISBN
The Key of the Mysteries Eliphas Levy 0-87728-078-9
Transcendental Magick Eliphas Levy 0-87728-079-7
The Hathayoga Pradapika Pancham Sinh (translator) N/A
The Siva Samhita Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra Vaso (translator) N/A

Other Magick/Occult

Title Author ISBN
The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O. (hardback) Francis King (editor) 0-87728-144-0
Sepher Yetzirah W. Wynn Wescott 0-87728-302-8
Qabalah Bill Heidrick N/A
This is the Truth About the Self Dr. Ann Davies 0-935002-05-1
The Training of the Mind Allan Bennett 0-87728-339-7
The Book of the Rose (number 211 of 250) Paul A. Clark N/A
De Mysteriis Rosae Rubeae et Aurau Crucis Frater Achad 1-55818-154-7
The Lowly Turtle (number 19 of 93, signed) R. C. Tzaddi N/A
Accidental Christ (hardback) Lon Milo DuQuette 0-9789592-0-5
Tarot, Mirror of the Soul Gerd Ziegler 0-87728-683-3
The New Hermetics Jason Augustus Newcomb 978-1-57863-305-0
Taboo: The Ecstacy of Evil Christopher Hyatt, Lon DuQuette, Gary Ford 1-56184-039-4
The Magician’s Dictionary E.E. Rhemus 0-922915-01-6
Tetrageammaton Donald Tyson 1-56718-744-7
Aleister Crowley in India Tobias Churton 978-1-62055-796-9
Dictionary of Mysticism and the Occult Nevill Drury 0-06-062094-3

Masonic Books

Title Author ISBN
Duncan’s Ritual of Freemasonry Malcom C. Dunkan 0-679-50626-8
Morals and Dogma Albert Pike N/A
Clausen’s Commentaries on Morals and Dogma Henry C. Clausen N/A

Astrology Books

Title Author ISBN
Heaven Knows What Grant Lewi 0-87542-444-9
The Only Way to Learn Astrology Marion D. March, Joan McEvers 0-917096-00-7
The Only Way to Learn About Relationships Marion D. March, Joan McEvers 0-935127-21-6
The Combination of Stellar Influences Reinhold Ebertin 0-8690-087-X
Primer of Sidereal Astrology Cyril Fagan, Brigadier R. C. Firebrace 0-86690-389-5
Interpreting Solar Returns James A. Eshelman 0-917086-40-6
The Rulership Book (hardback) Rex E. Bills N/A
Planets in Love John Townley 0-914918-21-4
Planets in Houses Robert Pelletier 0-914918-27-3
Planets in Transit Robert Hand 0-914918-24-9
Horoscope Symbols Robert Hand 0-914918-16-8
Compendium of Astrology Rose Lineman and Jan Popelka 0-914918-43-5
Time Changes in the World Doris Chase Doane N/A
Time Changes in the USA Doris Chase Doane N/A
Longitudes & Latitudes Throughout the World Eugene Dernay N/A
Longitudes & Latitudes in the US Eugene Dernay N/A
Sidereal Basis of Astrology, Table of Houses Joseph G. Dalton N/A

Buddhist/Meditation Books

Title Author ISBN
The Four Noble Truths (two copies) The Dalai Lama 0-7225-3550-3
How to Meditate Kathleen McDonald 0-86171-009-6

Other Books

Title Author ISBN
Controversial New Religions James R. Lewis, Jesper Aagaard Petersen 0-19-51568-8
A Book of Dreams (hardback) Peter Reich 0-06-013546-8
The Eternities, Vedanta Treatise A. Parthasarathy 81-87111-57-7
Feng Shui, A Layman’s Guide Evelyn Lip 0-89346-286-1
Hebrew English Lexicon William Osburn Jr 0-310-20360-0
Inner Work Robert A. Johnson 978-0-06-250431-9
The New Age Dictionary Alex Jack (Editor) 0-87040-787-2
I Ching Rudolf Ritsema, Stephen Karcher (translators) 1-85230-669-6
I Ching or Book of Changes Richard Wilhelm (tranalator) 0-691-09750-X

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Out with the Old...

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"...it's important to notice what it feels like to discern meaning where there is no meaning... it's important to get in touch with the "as if madness" experience in order to guard against madness; so I'm hoping to suspend my insistence on Truth for periods of time..."

I’m not sure about the connection with madness, per-se… and I’m wondering if that wasn’t just a ploy designed to wrap up the thought before getting interrupted. I realized when he said that that another good reason for discerning meaning where there is none is to prevent intellectual ossification (my term… it didn’t appear in the podcast, as far as I know). The belief that one particular way of looking at things must serve as the filter through which we see everything else from that point forward seems to be common in most philosophies and pretty much all religions. Adherence to a strict theology makes us less able to evaluate contrary ideas on their own merit. On the other hand, by constantly playing fast and loose with one’s synaptic network, so to speak, one might stand a chance of maintaining enough mental flexibility to recognize a true Epiphany when it finally does come.

It’s ironic that avoiding intellectual ossification was one of the main points that Sam was trying to convey just moments earlier… that there’s no logical reason to use one or more points-of-view which happen to have been elaborated thousands of years ago over new points-of-view developed by one’s own reason in the present time. Of course, that’s easier said than done and when most people start on any sort of Philosophical or Spiritual Path, they’re usually not capable of the kind of deep reasoning that would discern the “true meaning” of the Universe at first glance… so we may need to use ancient philosophy and religion as a crutch for a while… in order to bootstrap our thinking to the point where we can reason with some depth on the Universe and our purpose within it. But I expect that we all have to eventually drop the rhetoric and design our own systems based on First Principles.

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