Liber Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia

sub Figura DXXXVI

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Within His skull exist daily thirteen thousand myriads of Worlds, which draw their existence from Him, and by Him are upheld. ? I.R.Q. iii. 43.
Alternating with the above, let the Practicus begin this practice B. It is assumed that he has thoroughly conquered the elementary difficulties of Dharana, and is able to prevent mental pictures from altering shape, size and colour against his will.
B. Seated in the open air, let him endeavour to form a complete mental picture of himself and his immediate surroundings. It is important that he should be in the centre of such picture, and able to look freely in all directions. the finished picture should be a complete consciousness of the whole fixed, clear, and definite.
Let him gradually add to this picture by including objects more and more distant, until he have an image of the whole field of vision.
He will probably discover that it is very difficult to increase the apparent size of the picture as he proceeds, and it should be his most earnest endeavour to do so. he should seek in particular to appreciate distances, almost to the point of combatting the laws of perspective.

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