Frequently Asked Questions, Continued...
Q: Where do you spend most of your spare time?
I used to spend part a large chunk of time browsing the Web and have amassed quite a number of personal favorite places. If you manage to find a common thread among the various things listed on that page, let me know so I can pass the information on to my therapist. These days, I don't have much time to surf but, owing to the wealth of information available on the net, I generally search first on the internet anytime I'm looking for information.
Since my very first visit to Japan in 1989, I have been trying to pick up as much Japanese language skill as possible. Unlike many other "gaijin" (foreigners) living in Japan, I had no formal training in Japanese prior to my first arrival. I managed to pick up enough Japanese to get by at the time but I still devote a great deal of time in my attempt to master this intriguing language. Fortunately, there are a great deal of Japan-related resourses on the Web. For example, check out Forest Linton's Japan Web Guide, which is quite extensive and claims to be updated weekly.
If you plan to visit Japan any time soon and you want a few laughs, check out the Cynic's Guide to Visiting Japan. It's not meant to be a definitive travel guide but you will find some important tips for survival in the land of the rising sun.
I not only spend time looking at web sites, I also spend time writing them, as you can probably tell from the map of this site. I also like to write computer programs and I've been getting pretty good at Perl these past few years. I would like to spend some time learning Java soon but, right now, there are other priorities on my time.
I am also a fan of karaoke (especially Japanese Enka songs) and anime. I used to practice Aikido but I quit just before moving to New Jersey in 1992 and haven't found the time (or the energy) to start it up again. I also recently bought a bike (motorcycle, not bicycle) but I have yet to get out on any long tours.
In my spare time (what little is left), I spend time studying and practicing
magick and in my yonger days I was quite active in both TOT and OTO. If you want
to know more, just peruse the Thelema section of this
site. There you will find two of my prior rants on the subject (originally published
in the
Those of you who know me are probably aware that things have been in flux in
my personal life lately. For anyone interested, I ran across a great page on
the subject of divorce that you
may want to check out. And if you know of any ruthless attorneys, please
Many years ago, I used to edit and publish a newsletter called the Bullsheet. Well, I have been slowly working on bringing back selections from this publication but haven't found much time to devote to the project (I need to dig out my text files and convert them from -- of all things -- Wordstar). I do, however, have a few friends working on some new stuff. Check out the progress on the Bullsheet if you get a chance.
I also claim to be a founding member of "I Phelta Thi".