Last modified: 8 July 2004, see
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A collection of HTML references available online
This is a short list of references which I have found on the web. If you don't find what you want here, then try what I consider to be the best search engine available on the web.
Editor's Note:
I recently tried to use this page to look up a forgotten detail of HTML coding and found that many of these links have become obsolete. Once I have the rest of my site up-to-date, I will work on finding more stable references for this page. Sorry. [21 Oct 1999]
- Start with A Beginner's Guide to HTML from NCSA (the originators of the WWW).
- Elements of HTML (sub-titled 'A Small Set of Examples') is a good place to start.
- Que has several online books available including HTML by Example and the HTML Quick Reference.
- The Web Design Groups has a good style guide.
- Art and the Zen of Web Sites is a must-read for style issues.
- A Compendium of HTML elements lists every HTML tag and it's options, along with browser compatibility information. The most complete reference I know but really only really useful if you already know what tag you intend to use.
- The HTML Reference Manual from Sandia National Laboratories (very complete).
- Or take a look at my entire list of HTML-related links (some of which may be defunct by now).
- A Kinder, Gentler Validator
- Que has several online books available including Special Edition -- Using CGI.
- You may also need a Perl Manual