About this WebSite
This site was started around the latter half of 1995, just before I came back from my first assignment in Japan. Since then it has pretty much grown without any plan, as time and energy allowed. Several years later, I decided to overhaul the entire site (a project that seems to have had no end). In addition to bringing the extant information up to date, I have also added several "structure" pages that will give me a framework into which I can eventually insert even more new stuff.
The best way to see what all is lurking on these pages is to look at the complete map of the site. This I intend to keep pretty much up-to-date as stuff is added. You can find out what's been changed by checking out the what's new page.
For my own purposes, I have a filter that runs nightly on my access log and sends me a private mail with information on who all is visiting the page. Just for fun, the script also updates an abbreviated version of the report each night.
The following two questions used to be included in my personal FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) list but I decided they were better suited for this page, being more about the site itself than about me personally:
Table of Contents
There are also a few miscellaneous pages that were fun to put together but really don't fit into any of the categories of information hosted on this site. One is my first attempt at using forms in HTML: the Hagios Xao Fan Club page. The other is a blatant stab at webcrawlers and other vermin that attempt to index the web by systematically following every link. This page of keywords used to attract web-crawlers and irritate the CIA has turned out to be a great way to attract readers to my web page -- especially after I moved that cute picture of Ally from my favorite places page to the keywords page.
Last (but certainly not least), there are a number of pages that do not necessarily belong to my personal collection but which are, nonetheless, hosted by myself on this or one of my other web sites. Feel free to peruse this information as well.
Colors scheme used on this site:
Editor's Note:
This section refers to the older site design and is largely obsolete.