I have links to several of my favorite X-rated sites on my favorite places page under the heading 'What you thought I meant by Entertainment...'
Keywords used to attract web-crawlers and irritate the CIA
Ever since I first created my first website (a modest single-page presence), I have kept a list of annoying words in fine print at the bottom -- just in case the rumors were true about the CIA monitoring communications lines looking for keywords. Every once in a while I add to the list. This is basically a protest, however lame it may seem, against the whole concept of keyword profiling. If everyone had some triggering keywords on their web site, there would be no point in filtering.
Then, one fine day, I was looking through my web logs and I realized that in most cases, the URL of the referring page is also stored. I also noticed that whenever one of my pages was found via a search, the search string was usually included in the URL. From this grew the idea of enhancing my log analysys script to pull the search strings from the logs. It's amazing how often someone searches for "pedophillia" ;-)
Following is the list of words, for what it's worth. I've tried to make the font small so the more anal-retentive readers won't be able to make out what the paragraph says. But since the HTML to make that work might not be rendered the same on all browsers, I am hereby disclaiming all responsibility for the reader's reaction to this list. If you are easily offended, please click here now. Thanks.
sex nude fuck cervix sphyncter whore penis pussy homosexuality pedophillia incest drugs cocaine heroine marijuana crack Hezbollah terrorism guns bomb-making conspiracy communism sabotage plutonium bullion blacklisting boycott ra rights intolerance freedom lawsuits wiretap homicide murder suicide genocide Scientology NOTs OT3 OTIII Xenu Satan Hubbard Parsons Xenu religion magick slack wicked Wicca Illuminati CIA FBI wiretap offshore-banking president assasinate assasination coup Iraq Iran Saudi Arabia Turkey Armenia Canter Siegel binLaden alQaida IraqAcknowledgements:
- Thanks to the Signature, Finger, & Customized Headers FAQ for some great ideas to add to the keyword list. It seems some low-lifes actually add these keywords to their email signatures also. Cool...