Joe Larabell's Reunion Pages
Regarding Racal-Redac/HHB:
The idea started out simply enough. On 13 October 1993, disaster befell what had once been HHB Systems, then owned by Racal-Redac. The simulation and synthesys product lines were dismantled, parts of it having been sold off (or spun-off) and the rest placed into what was called an "end-of-life" cycle (ie: canned). For the 90-some employees in Mahwah, New Jersey (many of whom had worked together for over 10 years) it was a somber time. At first, someone collected contact information for quite a few of us and gave everyone a copy so we could all keep in touch. But, as you can well imagine, these became outdated quickly as people moved on to new jobs.
When I started building my own web page about a year later, I decided to contact those ex-employees with whom I was still in touch and asked if they wanted to be listed on a new "reunion" web page I was constructing. Well, the idea caught on and several people with whom I had lost touch contacted me to be added to the list.
Other Alumni Lists
Owing to the success of the Racal-Redac/HHB Alumni List, and
having been contacted by one of my ex-coworkers from another company with whom I had
lost touch, I decided to do for former United Technologies/Lexar employees what I had
done for the HHB crowd. So, there is now a Lexar Alumni List
in formation. If you are or know of a former employee of Lexar, either before or after
the United Technologies debacle, please
The other pages are just getting started. If you are or were an employee of any
of the companies listed, feel free to
- United Technologies / Lexar Alumni Page
- Data IO / FutureNet Alumni Page
- Racal-Redac / HHB Alumni Page
- Ikos Alumni Page